Rapid advances in technology over recent years have given scientists the ability to sequence genomes and other molecules at unprecedented speed and scales. The Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Theme brings together more than 70 Cambridge researchers who are using cutting edge methods to advance our understanding of the genomic basis of life, from molecules to populations and across evolutionary timescales. The broad range of expertise involved in working collaboratively at the interface between disciplines enables new approaches to the most challenging and fundamental genomics research questions to be explored. The Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Research Theme provides a powerful approach to biological discovery with implications for health, agriculture, ecology, biotechnology and beyond.
Impact Case Study
Targeting malaria mosquitos in Africa
Malaria remains one of the world’s major infectious diseases, responsible for approximately 405,000 deaths in 2018, with 94% of these in sub-Saharan Africa, and with an estimated annual economic impact of $12 billion in Africa alone (World Health Organization World Malaria Report 2019).
Target Malaria, a not-for-profit research consortium working across four countries in Africa, explored the use of ‘gene drive’ to control insect disease vectors. As part of this, Steven Russell’s lab at the University of Cambridge showed for the first time in 2011 that gene drive technology (a process that promotes the inheritance of specific genes from generation to generation) could work in an animal. They established novel gene drive systems that were implemented effectively in Anopheles mosquitos, the vector for the malaria parasite. Read