The Bioscience Impact Team was created in 2015 to support researchers within the departments and theme groups of the School of the Biological Sciences with activities including industry engagement and research impact.
The team provide a dedicated source of general advice and training on translation and impact, information on funding options for translation, and assist academics in developing and managing relationships with external partners. In addition, they further support researchers with funding through the BBSRC Impact Acceleration and BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility accounts.
In Spring 2021 six new cross-cutting Research Themes were established in the School of Biological Sciences, designed to provide research integration across the School, encourage new conversations and enhance interdisciplinary networking critical for major innovation. The Themes also provide an opportunity for researchers in the School to engage with initiatives working across Industry (Milner Therapeutics Institute, Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences), Entrepreneurship (Cambridge Enterprise), Policy (Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy) and Public Engagement (Central and Departmental Coordinators), all of which contribute to research impact across the University.
Contact the Bioscience Impact Team for more information.